
Santa Clara University Apply to School of Engineering or College of Arts and Sciences

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The Higher of Arts and Sciences offers students dozens of majors and minors. Ranging from the arts to the humanities to the natural and social sciences, many programs incorporate an interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary curriculum.

As part of a Santa Clara education, students are required to complete the core curriculum in addition to the requirements set past their chosen expanse of written report. Students oftentimes cull to double major or supplement their major with a minor(s). Academic and peer advisors are bachelor to help navigate the procedure of selecting, adding, or changing majors and minors.

Click here to Anthropology Summer dig

Click hither to Anthropology


Major: Anthropology
Pocket-size: Anthropology

Click here to Arabic, Islamic, and Middle Eastern Studies Alexa Correa - Walking through the city of Chefchaouen visiting small shops and eating the local cuisine during a weekend trip. (2019)

Click here to Standard arabic, Islamic, and Centre Eastern Studies

Arabic, Islamic, and Middle Eastern Studies

Minor: Arabic, Islamic, and Centre Eastern Studies

Click here to Art & Art History Ceramic piece from the senior art show

Click hither to Art & Fine art History

Art & Art History

Majors: Art History, Studio Art
Minors: Art History, Studio Fine art

Click hither to Asian Studies Asian Studies

Click here to Asian Studies

Asian Studies

Minor: Asian Studies

Click here to Biological science

Click here to Biology


Major: Biological science
Minors: Biology, Biotechnology

Click hither to Catholic Studies People holding a candles in church

Click hither to Catholic Studies

Catholic Studies

Minor: Catholic Studies

Click here to Chemistry & Biochemistry Amelia Fuller with her research assistants

Click here to Chemical science & Biochemistry

Chemical science & Biochemistry

Majors: Chemical science, Biochemistry
Pocket-size: Chemistry

Click hither to Child Studies Compassion in Action for Children Mural

Click here to Kid Studies

Child Studies

Major: Kid Studies

Click here to Classics Latin Virtual Reality

Click hither to Classics


Major: Classics
Pocket-sized: Classics

Click here to Communication Web Violence Prevention

Click here to Communication


Major: Communication
Minor: Advice

Click hither to Economic science Economics image for majors and minors page

Click hither to Economics

Economic science

Major: Economic science
Minor: Economics

Click here to English Author Huda Al-Marashi with faculty and students

Click here to English


Major: English language
Minors: English language, Creative Writing, Professional Writing

Click here to Environmental Studies & Sciences Riparian forests along the Sacramento River floodplain. Photo by Geoff Fricker, used with permission.

Click here to Ecology Studies & Sciences

Environmental Studies & Sciences

Majors: Environmental Studies, Environmental Science
Pocket-sized: Environmental Studies

Click here to Indigenous Studies Mural created with predominantly 4th & 5th grade Latina/o youth involved in the Change For Good after-school youth Participatory Action Research program.

Click here to Ethnic Studies

Indigenous Studies

Major: Ethnic Studies
Minors: Indigenous Studies, Asian American Studies, African American Studies, Latina/o/x Studies

Click here to History Historical Perspectives journal

Click here to History


Major: History
Pocket-size: History

Click hither to Individual Studies Plan Jaime Daigle at ELISAVA

Click here to Individual Studies Program

Private Studies Program

Major: Individual Studies

Click here to Latin American Studies Shade-grown coffee in Nicaragua

Click hither to Latin American Studies

Latin American Studies

Pocket-size: Latin American Studies

Click here to Mathematics & Figurer Scientific discipline Natalie Linnell teaching students

Click hither to Mathematics & Informatics

Mathematics & Computer Science

Majors: Mathematics, Computer Scientific discipline
Minors: Mathematics, Informatics

Click here to Medieval & Renaissance Studies 2017 MODLL Photo contest - Broncos Abroad

Click hither to Medieval & Renaissance Studies

Medieval & Renaissance Studies

Modest: Medieval & Renaissance Studies

Click here to Mod Languages & Literatures hand holding small globe

Click here to Modern Languages & Literatures

Modern Languages & Literatures

Majors: French & Francophone Studies, Italian Studies, Spanish Studies
Minors: French & Francophone Studies, Italian Studies, Japanese Studies, Spanish Studies

Click here to Music Zoom in of a music stand with SCU Music on it with students playing in the background

Click here to Music


Major: Music
Small-scale: Music

Click hither to Musical Theatre Characters of the spelling bee on stage

Click here to Musical Theatre

Musical Theatre

Minor: Musical Theatre

Click here to Neuroscience Digital brain

Click here to Neuroscience


Major: Neuroscience

Click here to Philosophy Sam McNea '20l, Anthony Mejia '20, Kelly Fradet '20, Courtney Davis '21, Mohit Gandhi '21, Coach Erin Bradfield

Click here to Philosophy


Major: Philosophy
Small-scale: Philosophy

Click here to Physics People working with equipment

Click here to Physics


Major: Physics, Applied science Physics
Small-scale: Physics

Click here to Political Scientific discipline Beau Scott in front of capitol building

Click here to Political Science

Political Science

Major: Political Science
Minor: Political Science

Click here to Psychology Student working in front of computer

Click here to Psychology


Major: Psychology

Click here to Public Health VG Leadership cohort 2018

Click here to Public Health

Public Health

Major: Public Health
Pocket-size: Public Health

Click here to Religious Studies Sophia, Divine Wisdom by artist Mary Plaster

Click here to Religious Studies

Religious Studies

Major: Religious Studies
Minor: Religious Studies

Click here to Sociology Silicon Valley Sociological Review cover 2020

Click here to Sociology


Major: Folklore
Minor: Sociology

Click here to Sustainability

Click here to Sustainability


Small-scale: Sustainability

Click here to Theatre & Dance

Click here to Theatre & Dance

Theatre & Trip the light fantastic toe

Major: Theatre Arts
Minor: Theatre, Dance, Theatre Pattern & Engineering science

Click here to Urban Educational activity

Click here to Urban Education

Urban Teaching

Minor: Urban Education

Click here to Women's and Gender Studies

Click here to Women's and Gender Studies

Women'southward and Gender Studies

Major: Women's and Gender Studies
Minor: Women'southward and Gender Studies


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