
How to Keep Cat From Eating Christmas Tree

Just in time for Christmas, it's that time again: the Christmas tree is set up and festively decorated. But the richly decorated tree not only pleases people but also some cats. Because the glittering Christmas tree invites cats to climb, nibble and play. We have put together the most important tips and tricks for a cat-safe Christmas tree for you so that the Christmas tree does not endanger your house cat.

Cats and the Right Christmas Tree

The question of your cat's safety begins when you buy a Christmas tree. When choosing a real fir tree, pay attention to the quality and origin of the tree. Many Christmas trees are treated with pesticides and other sprays that are toxic to cats. Buy an unsprayed tree if possible. Alternatively, you can exhibit an artificial tree. However, with a plastic tree, it can also happen that the cat nibbles on it or climbs into the tree.

Set Up the Christmas Tree in a Safe Place for Cats

So that the tree does not fall over when the cat tries to climb or pulls on the branches, you should fasten your Christmas tree particularly well. Choose a heavy, sturdy Christmas tree stand that provides a firm stand. If that is not enough, you can also attach the tree. To do this, fix a hook on the wall and tie the Christmas tree to it with a transparent nylon cord. This prevents the Christmas tree from falling over. In principle, a small Christmas tree is safer than a meter-high tree, as less can break in the event of a fall.

Decorate the Christmas Tree in a Safe Way

It is better to hang Christmas tree balls and other decorations in the upper area of the Christmas tree. Low hanging balls or pendants encourage the cat to play with the decoration and there is a risk that the tree decorations will break. If your cat is very playful and the decoration itself fishes out of the treetop, do without balls and ornaments made of glass and instead choose unbreakable, natural materials such as wood or pine cones. In this way, you avoid that the cat's decoration falls victim and that broken pieces on the floor pose a danger to both cats and people. The popular tinsel is taboo in every cat household. The plastic straps can be swallowed by the cat while playing and, in the worst case, get caught in the intestines, which is life-threatening.

Choosing the Right Christmas Lights

In no case should you use real candles in your Christmas tree? Even small movements can set the tree on fire with candles and not only the cat can be seriously injured. Fairy lights are a safe alternative. Always hang up the light chain in such a way that your house tiger cannot nibble on the cables, for example in the upper part of the tree.

Keep the Cat Away From the Christmas Tree

If your cat is destroying the Christmas decorations and climbing the Christmas tree regularly, come up with a way to keep them away. Do not leave the cat alone with the Christmas tree and offer it suitable alternatives for scratching and climbing. It is best to place scratching boards in close proximity to the tree. Also, if your velvet paw is nibbling on the branches, place a pot of fresh cat grass under the tree. Many cats also love to drink the water from the tree stand. However, since the essential oils of the conifers can be toxic to cats, cover the tree stand and provide your cat with fresh drinking water.

How to Keep Cat From Eating Christmas Tree


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